Tuesday, August 24, 2021



The One thousand year reign and rule of Jesus Christ  Part TWO




Satan will start war and surround Jerusalem but this time God stops them right in their tracks. At this point Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire with the antichrist and the false prophet.


In verse twelve the books are opened. One is the book of life. The identity of these books are not revealed in this passage of Scripture. Each person has a recording angel. Every good and bad deed is recorded (the what's and the why connected to the what) including our secret sins. Ecclesiastes 12: 14. When individuals tell me that people get away with things I just say you have no idea how many records are kept in heaven. Nobody get away with anything including believers in Christ. Keep short accounts on how you live because we are all going to be judged by Jesus Christ Himself. 


There is the Book of Life which is mentioned eight times in the New Testament. There are two positions that I heard which is every name is written in this book and those that do not accept Jesus Christ have their names blotted out of the book. The other position is no names are written in this book and when they accept Jesus Christ into their hearts their name is written in this book. If they stop abiding in Jesus Christ and really do not want anything to do with God their names are blotted out of the Book of Life. If the second is true do we really want to fool around with God.


I am trying to imagine what this scene is going to be like in that future day. The sinner facing eternal judgment may get to look at several books but in this passage it seems somewhat clear to me that the book of life is the last book that Jesus Christ will review with the sinner. A search will probably be done by Jesus Christ Himself. This is why Jesus Christ had to die on the cross and raise himself from the dead on the third day. The sinner may be able to look at the Book of Life and have the hard ache of not seeing his or her name written in this eternal book.


This is a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Savior and Lord by repenting of your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. I can not think of anything more overbearing then being eternally rejected by Jesus Christ only to face everlasting torment. Christians need to be living for God. To do this will not be easy but it is the narrow path of the will of God as opposed to our self will.


Giving our life over to Jesus Christ is an everyday process and a conscience decision on our part. I hope I was able to be of some help in reviewing Revelation chapter twenty. This is real but the problem is most people do not take this serious. The book of Revelation is obviously a serious book and God allowed the Apostle John to write this account so we can take heed and do what God requires of us either as unbelievers or believers. We need to give God His will in our life.


God bless you,

Bob D.




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